Font sizes reset after exiting "Theme Settings" screen

1 Posts
fgarcia8 posted this 24 April 2024
Report a bug

After setting any font size over 96px in Theme Settings > Headings And Text and then exiting the Theme Settings, all the theme fonts get set to 0px or other different values. This is a problem if you want, for example, to set a title to be bigger than 96px.

After setting any font size over 96px in Theme Settings > Headings And Text and then exiting the Theme Settings, all the theme fonts get set to 0px or other different values. This is a problem if you want, for example, to set a title to be bigger than 96px.
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Support Team posted this 24 April 2024


We asked our developers to investigate this issue. It should be fixed in one of the future Nicepage updates.
Please let us know if you need our further assistance.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, We asked our developers to investigate this issue. It should be fixed in one of the future Nicepage updates. Please let us know if you need our further assistance. ................................................... Sincerely, Olivia Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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