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Как установить роли пользователей для веб-сайтов WordPress

Если над сайтом работает несколько человек, возникает проблема, что кто-то с меньшим опытом может сломать дизайн или контент. Или вы студия дизайна, и вы хотите, чтобы ваши клиенты не модифицировали веб-сайт, и хотите выполнять редактирование только самостоятельно. Чтобы разделить возможности редактирования, вы можете использовать роли пользователей, такие как редактор дизайна или редактор содержимого. Чтобы добавить редактора в WordPress, вы можете зарегистрировать нового пользователя и назначить ему необходимую роль.
Как установить роли пользователей для веб-сайтов WordPress

How To Apply User Roles For Your WordPress Website

Managing user roles and capabilities seems pointless at first sight. Still, the understanding of WordPress user roles or capabilities and using a user role to gain full control over the web building process is crucial. If you customize user roles permissions, you can set specific custom user role rights for your employees and make sure they delete or publish their own posts or edit and create their own content after your approval. Following the default user roles plugin example and understanding WordPress user role editor that is similar to the new user role editor plugin we provide, you will quickly add new users and posts, add new administrator role rights, and monitor the whole process.

Our default user role plugin includes the existing user roles capabilities. It is similar to default WordPress user roles plugins and a Wpfront user role editor, so authors can publish their posts, delete their posts, or include assigned new users to the current task. The roles of WordPress super admin and super admin administrator are helpful to guide the WordPress user permissions. The capabilities of the administrator user role can vary from the regular administrator role by default. They can create new user roles, manage and assign user roles, set actions for a default user, click to add new users. However, they cannot delete and cannot edit their posts for them.

Only the super admin role has complete control over the WordPress website building and can delete and alter the awesome admin administrator role and other users in the role editor. We provide the guide for WordPress user roles or capabilities and help set the WordPress user roles permissions and WordPress administrator roles of new users. A simple WordPress user role cannot create new super admin WordPress user roles or click and add a new user. He also has no control over the user role, yet all users can write and create their own posts, following WordPress roles and capabilities.